Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I got my 1st microdermal piercing in Autumn, 2011. The healing process was a bit scary for me because I had never had this type of piercing before and didn't know what to expect. Anytime there was a slight change in my piercing I'd tend to panic a little, not knowing what was happening. I scoured the internet for answers and/or people who might have had a similar experience. Sometimes I'd find what I was looking for, but mostly not.

I've decided to blog about my experience with my microdermal piercing so far, in hopes that I can offer some guidance and advice to those who also are having problems/concerns with this intriguing and finicky little piercing.

October, 2011: After months of tossing around the idea, I finally decided to go to a local piercer to have a microdermal installed under my collar bone. He showed me different sizes, shapes and colors that were available- all of which, I felt were too big. I wanted it to be modest, since I work in a professional environment. He pulled out an anchor with a teeny little rhinestone on it that was about 2mm in diameter (not much wider than the stem itself). I thought it was the perfect size to start with. He explained the piercing procedure to me and what to expect. (I had watched a few youtube videos of people getting them done. Some people made a big fuss while others didn't even flinch.) So I laid down, took a deep breath and said, "Let's do this."

I have to admit... the pain was far worse than I expected. It started out with an extremely sharp, pronounced pain (when he was twisting the dermal punch into my flesh) followed by and excruciating pressure that took my breath away (when he was pushing the anchor under my skin). The whole process took about 90 seconds. As soon as it was over, there was no pain at all. The area was a bit red and felt hot, but otherwise looked pretty good. I sat up, looked in the mirror, and it was love at first sight.

The next morning it was a bit swollen, but not red. The redness didn't kick in until about day 3. I kept it clean with my daily morning shower (no soap- just warm water) and by spraying it with H2Ocean 3-4 times a day (which is a WONDERFUL product!). The swelling stuck around until about the 10th day, then it seemed to finally go down. It wasn't until then that the rhinestone was actually sitting on top of my skin, verses sinking down flush with my skin.

At the 2 week mark, something when horribly wrong. I woke up one morning to a very red, angry and swollen dermal. Maybe it got rubbed too much in my sleep and got irritated? I guess I'll never know. It got progressively worse throughout the day. When I got home from work that night, I did a sea salt soak using warm water and a shot glass by sealing the liquid over the area. It didn't help. Within 3 hours, my skin had completely swallowed the piercing whole. It was gone under my skin. I didn't sleep all night.

As soon as the piercing shop opened up the next day, I was the first one in the door. He tried to save it by making a small incision to reach the top, but with no luck. It had sunken down too deep and he had to cut it out with a scalpel. It took about 45 minutes. The pain was so bad that I kind of "blanked out" and went to another place in my mind. I was extremely sad about losing my little sparkly friend. So sad in fact, that I didn't want to leave the shop without one. The piercer felt bad that it didn't work out for me, so he pierced me under my other collarbone with a larger rhinestone top so that it wouldn't get sucked into my skin again. So after an hour of agonizing pain, I left the shop... happy.

The crater left behind by the first dermal was pretty gnarly. I treated it with the H2Ocean spray until the wound closed, then began treating the scar with Vitamin E oil. It doesn't look too bad. The skin is a bit pink and raised, but it will improve over time.

My new sparkly friend began it's healing process much better than the first one. No swelling, no redness, it laid flush to my skin and didn't give me any problems. After about a month of healing I got a little cocky one night when I was showing it off to friends. While demonstrating how well it was attached, I poked at it a little too much. That was a bad idea. My little buddy got angry... VERY angry. It became red, tender, swollen and lymphed some fluid for a few days. After the swelling subsided about a week later, I noticed that the skin around the opening of the hole was red, raised up and was causing the top to not sit flush anymore. Once again, I found myself searching the internet for answers- with not much luck. I didn't want to bother my piercer, because I was feeling like a failure.

At the 2 month healing mark, the skin around the hole opening hadn't changed. It was still red and raised. When I looked at it from a side angle, I could see a little bit of the stem. Otherwise, it was fairly stable. I found a blog about piercings and had read several posts. I asked some advice of my own. I got a really helpful answer from a professional body piercer in Colorado. I sent her a picture and she said it appeared to be "migrating". From what I understand, it's fairly common for dermals under the collarbones because the skin is thinner and it's a high-motion area. The anchor can tend to migrate around under the skin (ever so slightly) until it finds it's final resting place. Many people mistake this as rejection, which is when your body pushes the piercing out completely.

At the 5 month healing mark, the red bump around the hole had finally seemed to go away and the tissues around it stabilized. Although I'm disappointed that my microdermal doesn't lay flat against the skin anymore, it believe it has reached a solid healing point now. I'm still very much in love with it. It looks good from head-on, and that's good enough for me. I will continue to baby it and make sure I don't catch it or injure it on anything. It's better than the alternative, which is not having it at all.

I've learned that microdermal piercings can have a mind of their own, so don't expect perfection. Feel free to leave your comments and/or experiences with your microdermal piercing(s).



  1. Hi there, two days ago, I got two Microdermals in my mid chest area, about 3 inches down from my collar bone. They're a bit tender, but nothing too bad. Today, I woke up, got a shower then did a sea salt soak, now there's just a bit of redness around the you think that's normal?

    1. In my experience, yes, this is normal. I've had mine for 11 months and it still goes through periods of redness occasionally. I just treat it with H2Ocean (purified sea salt water) and it calms down in a few days. Yours are still very new so you may have redness for a week, so don't be alarmed :)

    2. Do not i repeate do not do a soak on the dermal unless it looks n feeln infected. I got 2 dermals done about ten days ago.on friday the 13th 2015. The percier was very descriptive on not doing a soak. But to apply it around the dermals while holding them down so the liqid do no get into the hole so spray it but hold the dermal down..I have not had any sweallin or anything it just seems to be a lil tender still. But not bad.He said thats normal. Also to get little band aids n apply them over my dermals while i sleep or drive so i wont snag then or rip them out. (i do have red rings from the band aids) lol but i have been doing it for ten days now every day i spray them 4 to 6 times a day with h20 spray. I spray the q tip also so get the crust stuff off ...whiping outwards And also use anti bactrial soap to wash them around it.Do not keep band aids on them 24 hrs u need to let air get to them. so it can heal right. At night while u sleep is okay i was told to do that for 3 months. It can take 3 month to a year to be fully healed hope this helps some people. I also do soap n water mixture to wash it again when i feel like theres adhessive stuck to my skin with a q tip....

  2. Hey, I got my collarbone pierced about a week ago, well under my collarbone. I got two microdermals, I know that's alot for a first time. My piercer told me to use anti-bacterial soap, but I use Simply Saline Wound Wash because that is what everyone has recommended online. My piercer also told me to leave a band-aid on it for a week and only take it off to clean it, so I've been ripping and sticking band-aids on everyday for a week, and now the area around my microdermals is completely bruised, circle bruises. So my question is how long do you think it will take to get rid of them? I've been using Vitamin E oil, as well as, Cocoa Butter and a Skin Healing Ointment... Are these bad products to use, seeing as they may tend to get on my piercings?

  3. I'm not a professional, but I have read countless blogs and forums about the problems that arise with microdermal's and the best remedies. To my knowledge, it seems that people generally try to stay away from antibacterial soap because of it's drying effects of the skin, which can cause it to look ugly and irritated. I would stay with the saline wash and nothing more (no oils or creams). I have also heard that band-aids are bad for them because they don't allow to wound to breath, which is crucial during the healing process. It can also irritate the piercing by constantly rubbing and pushing on it. I never used antibacterial soap nor band-aides while mine was healing and it ended up fine in the end. They probably won't be able to begin to heal properly until you discontinue using the band-aides and ointments. A hot daily shower and your saline wash should be all you need :) Good luck!

  4. Hi! I got microdermals fitted yesterday.
    when I took my plasters off today when I got out of the shower to change them, I noticed one of the gems seemed to be under the skin, I asked a piercer and they said it was just swelling, but I'm scared that it might have been pierced in a wonky way, leaving it half in half out, how long should I leave it to "correct itself" before I go back to the piercer?

  5. My first dermal also sunk beneath my skin from swelling. I had to have it removed because the skin grew over top the gem so that it was submerged (no longer visible). I recommend that you wait a bit longer to see if the swelling goes down since they are still very new. If it doesn't improve after a week, I would go see your piercer for advice.

  6. hey I got my microdermal implants done on my back dimples about a week & half ago,I clean it about three to four times a day, now one of them is like sinking into my skin there's no pian just swelling and redness around cleanrish red fluid comes out time to time, should I be worried? what should I do?

  7. I recommend going to your piercer and having a larger top put on so it doesn't disappear under your skin like mine did. The clear red fluid is just lymph, which your body produces while it's healing. It's normal.

  8. I had my neck microdermal about 2 years ago and never had a problem with that one. I had one done on my chest and one on my temple in December. The chest one had an issue once when my dog stepped on it. My temple one on the other hand has been back and forth. I pulled it a good way out with a comb once. Pushed it back in and started the healing process over. Another time it came out all the way when a band-aid got stuck to it. I put it in again and it was fine after a while. The last few days it's been a bit irritated with a little blood coming out and redness. I don't use band-aids at all anymore because I'm apparently allergic to the glue. I'm paranoid to sleep without something on my temple one, so I cut a very thin piece of gauze and put it over it with paper tape. I work out a lot, so I was thinking maybe sweating has irritated it this time. Any comments on the gauze and paper tape and such.

  9. The main reason bandages are discouraged with healing dermals is because it's essential for them to be able to breath. Gauze is fairly breathable, so I think as long as you don't seal it up too much with tape you'll be better off with gauze verses band-aides (if you absolutely insist of covering them). I could be wrong, but it makes sense- you know?

  10. Ive had mine for two months on april 22. Its not red doesnt hurt but the skin underneath it is real high off my finger. Ive had other piercings and i always had to switch them to gold bc im allergic ti silver or anything that looks like silver. I would get a large white ball under the piercing until i changed it to gold. Idk if thats whats happening or what.? Could you email me. I may never find this site again.

  11. So listen to this, 3 months ago i got a microdermal monroe and it i left it that way for about a month til I could build enough courage to go to the tattoo shop to get it removed so yesterday evening I decided that was gonna be the day. So, I went to matthews party tattoo where he removed my menroe microdermal...I decided that I too would have another one put in oh the reason I had the other one removed was not only rejected but infected,ok where did I leave off so....he was cleaning my left cheek toward the top under my eye then proceeded with the twisting of the needle so he gets my peircing in and says oh no, he said I accidently put the monroe peircing in and not the new CLEAN ONE I asked if it will get infected he claims no and he didnt give me my money need advice my peircing is sooooooo red and hot is it infected orlike that cuz i just got it done yesterday

  12. Wow. That guy is an idiot.

    Since the piercing was pulled from an infected area and re-implanted into a different area, your chances of infection are pretty high in the new spot. Start preparing yourself for another removal. Also, insist on a refund. Talk to the shop manager if need-be, because that's bullshit.

  13. I got 2 microdermals on my neck 5 days ago. I've had many surface piercings before but never microdermals. I feel like the area around my neck and upper back and sometimes my arm feels a little numb. I think I should take them out because I'm scared there's an infection. Is this normal?

  14. Okay so I got my dermal on my finger week and a half ago. I kept if cover with a bandaide for a week. Different bandaide. I noticed that my finger was swollen and clean puss was coming out. I have been using contact saline with hydrogen p. Idk if that is good. What should I use or do. I only keep it cover now when I am sleeping or at work since it is on my finger and I fold clothes at work.

    1. Never, ever ever use hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide kills the new and the old cells within the piercing. The piercings needs those old cells to create new ones.

  15. Ok I got 2 microdermals under my collar bone and the one on my right side seems to have like a little slit beside it they seem to be healing fine they itch every now and then but other then that little slit they seem to be fine I'm worried that it may be rejecting it and I have had them for a week well tomorrow will be a week is that normal?? And I keep little band-aids on mine mine say superior breathability is that still ok?

  16. Okay I'm 23 and want to get microdermals. On my neck but I'm super nervous I have watched you tube videos and read blog after blog is it worth the pain and maybe rejecting pierced??

    1. Two of my friends have had neck dermals, they both rejected or came out prob partly because of hair pulling on them, and plus it's hard to see them to clean etc.but they lasted a bit (maybe a year or so)..
      For the pain, they didn't find it hurt, and I've had 4 and it was the less painful of my peircings (9 ear peircings, 3 of those cartillage peircings, and one tongue web), they were all under my collarbone and rejected, I have no fat and my skin isn't thick there so that's prob why.. I just kept putting them there because I loved the placement so much (they were one after another, not in the exact same placement)
      The one I've seen last a long time is my friend's over her hip bone (like 10cm over), it's still there and it's been around 3 yrs, and she has had very little to no complications.
      Anyways I hope this helps for your decision, they look awesome wherever they are :)

  17. Hi, I had my hip dermals (2 on each side) for about a few months now. Had no problems with them for a month then all of a sudden one by one became red, oozing clear liquid, && sometimes blood (not much), && one turned kinda purple. Ive used the h20 spray everyday and tried my best to avoid soaps, shampoos, etc to come into contact with them....they are still red and almost irradiated. Do you think its infected or just super irritated and I need to keep using the h20 spray or go see my piercer?

  18. Hey I got a dermal on my chest about five days ago I have no swelling or pain it'd just a littlr kinda looks crooked n its kinda not sure if its healing rejecting or migrating....what are the expectation in the first week?

  19. I got a monroe micro dermal and its red and swollen and leaking gross stuff. N today it had like little... bubbles of what looked like blood almost. I dont think its rejecting because the bottom of it is fine its just swollen around it. I am trying sea salt soaks band aids etc but so far no luck does anyone know what the heck is going on i dont wanna have to get it out.

  20. I got 2 mirco dermals pierced 2 weeks ago...on my neck in the eyes of my of them is PERFECT...they other not so much...i noticed it was a little lower the the one on the left and it was worrying me, so i went to another tattoo shop and they said it was fine just watch it... i noticed it started to sink in and called the same guy and asked him if he could take a look at it again which he did and said he doesnt even want to mess with it because it look good and didnt want to irritate it. so i left it and a few days later noticed every morning i woke up it would be sunk into my skin...a few hours later it would be a little better but same thing the next morning. Now it is completely infected, oozing and almost swallowed by my skin, how can i save this dermal??? i am going to go to urgent care today and see if they can put me on antibiotics and see if that will help...i begged the first tattoo shop i went to to change the diamond to a bigger stud but he im in a big pickle. so upset because one is perfect and i dont want my tattoo to be ruined....someone HELPPP let me know what to do.

  21. Iv had a dermal in my wrist for over a year and had nothing but problems it's infected again and it's never been so painful! It's got a red ring round the piercing :-/ it needs to come out soon I'm scared now after reading this

  22. So I've had my dermal a week and was cleaning it with H2O spray and swabbing the outer skin with a qtip and I noticed some puss... So I pushed up on the under math skin and allot more came with it. I've been taking overly well care of this piercing and I'm petrified that I'm going to have to take it out. Is this something to expect or not

    1. Iv had mine removed now it's had to go. I was injected throughout the procedure (4 times) made about an inch cut and removed it I have a scar but not noticeable as I have a tattoo there

  23. I got three microdermals underneath my collarbone about 3 days ago. the first one which was on the inside hurt like I expected. nothig I couldn't really handle. the middle one was completely awful! I didn't think I could handle it and it swelled automatically and bled really bad. the piercer kept trying to push it in farther in, I guess to set it in. he said that he might of hit a small vein or something. the third one was bad at all.
    It was swollen, red and bruised afterwards which was expecting. The next day the swelling went down a lot, the redness was gone and it felt fine. Now it's barely even sore and they look great, however the middle one (the one that really hurt) doesn't rest on my skin like the other two do. It sticks out just a little. itt doesn't bother me much but I'm worried that it's not in correctly.

    Should I be worried about it rejecting? Should I go back to the piercer to get him to fix it? or is it normal and im just worrying too much?

  24. Great article! So informative thanks for posting! I got my back dermals 5 days ago and I love them. Been babying them and letting them breathe now. I love the conversation peice they are when I wear back less or sleeveless tops and dresses. I used to have my dermal on my chest done which I loved and it healed fine I just had to have it taken out for personal reasons. I love the dermal communities we're an awesome bunch :)

    1. sorry, ik this is a super late reply, but i just got a dermal on my chest ((apparently not very common)) and i'm about 5 days into healing, but around it is kind of itchy.. is that normal ???

    2. Yeah, my chest one is 3 days old and it's a little itchy. Is this normal?

  25. My dermaldermal sit on top of my skin always have since I got them done I thought they were suppose to be flush with skin they have never been a problem or infected or anything I just want to know if it's ok that their like this I've had em about a month

    1. I was told to press them down with band aids so it set flesh so it wont be ripped or snaged i have bigger tops i mean it shouldnt be an issue. Just woukd be easier to change out prob too late to try this now seems it has been awhile sence u have got them done.

  26. They are not meant to sit flat with your skin. If they do that means the skin around them is swollen which could lead to infection or the skin growing completely over them. They make dermal tops 7mm in diameter. If they were supposed to sit flat how would that be possible ? Go back to your piercer if they sit flat and have the tops changed to bigger ones.

  27. I totally understand your frustration with migrating dermals! I have two vertically placed on my neck, about a year old. The higher one is positioned nicely but the lower one that sits between my vertebrae bones does not sit flush on my skin at all because the skin is thinner there and it's placed where my skin has maximum movement. :(

    Healing for me was horrible, I had so much scar tissue around my piercings and I made the mistake of overusing sea salt solution which ended up drying the skin. At one point my skin swelled over the jewelry bit and I had to literally squeeze it back out like how you'd pop a pimple. it took about 4 months until things settled down, but I still have flare ups of irritation from time to time.

    For those comments wondering about redness/swelling/pussing/lymphing, my experience is that things will inevitably flare up and that's normal because it's exposed to irritation from clothing, bumping it, hygiene products that don't agree with your piercing and being exposed to the outside elements. Even after it's healed my dermals still do this. I think it's normal guys, so no need for overreacting.

    My remedy is using hot water and a cosmetic cotton pad/gauze, you run it under tolerable scalding water and then place it on your piercing with pressure, and repeat that a few times for a few minutes every time the pad loses its heat. I do this for the duration of brushing my teeth, and afterwards it's very easy to drain my piercing of puss.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi so i got 2 dermals done on the 13th of nov 2015.
    My experiance so far is good. Now i was told to use h20 spray 4 to 6 times a day and anti bactrial how i do this is i hold down my dermals n spray them. N whippe or dott off the accesse n befor i do that i wash around them with the soap. Also i use half water n a small squirt or soap n mix it up and apply that closer around the dermals whiping outwards while i hold the dermals down to get the crustys out. I have not had any sweallin or pussing or anything like that. I was told to apply band aids only at night when i am sleeping so i dont snag them or wear a collard shirt to bed. If u have bigger top as i do. I apply band aids when it seems my skin is trying to push it out so it stays i press downeard while i apply the band aid. I was told to do this stuff.and seems like for ten days old n only being a bit tender i am in good shape. I recommend bandaids for 3 months while u sleep do not keep them covered all the time cause they need to breath. Dont use a soak method. Unless infected. Seems that makes ur skin sofen. I am not a pro percier but the guy who did mine has done iver 500 of them. So i trusted what he told me! Seems like shops r giving people bunch of different info these days...who knows what the correct way of doing it is even. Lol hope helps someone

  30. Oh boy, I was so excited to get my dermal done. I decided on a Monroe and fairly excitedly went in to who was touted as an experienced piercer.
    I have several standard piercings on my body and quite enjoyed the experience and had minimal heal time.
    The lady took about 15 minutes to completed as she could not get the top to clip onto the anchor. It didn't phase me too much though. I was just happy to have it complete. As per instruction as it had bled quite a bit, I soaked a cotton tip with the cleansing solution before bed and just began to dab ever so gently to remove where the weeping had gone crusty.
    I hardly touched the skin next to the dermal and all of a sudden the whole dermal including anchor went flying out of my skin and across the room, of course finding a drain :-(
    I called he shop first thing the next day, not only did they not offer a refund or an offer to fix, they stated that they had never seen a dermal do that and I must have dug it out with a sharp object????
    Not only this, but they continued to state that they would not ever pierce me again insinuating that I had issues.
    I was so so offended and swear I really hadn't touched it, much less dig it out with a sharp object. Who would do that?
    I miss that dermal for the four hours I had it :'-(
    Has anyone experienced similar? I suspect anchor was not inserted deeply enough.

    1. Whoever did ir dermal is an stupid...clearly didnt anchor it in. First off the top should had already been on it befor they had put it in. The only thing they should had done was do the needle(punches are not legal) and put the dermal in. Mine was already connected to the ancor part. N then he pushed it down hard as hell lol and i heard a pop. Like cracking knuckles. So whoever did it did not know what they was doing id go to a different shop n frist ask how many they have done and witch method they use. I got the needle method done. Ive not had any problems other then them lifting n i push them back in n apply a band aid for the night. Ive had mine sence nov. No bruse not infection basically no problems other then lifitng.

  31. Hi! I have two micro dermals on my back dimples and one is being very difficult. I've visited my piercer but she said it might have gotten caught while I was sleeping and not to worry. But I am worrying because I noticed today that the foot has come up some more and it hurts when I move. I got them 3 months ago and they were so expensive and I really don’t want to pay another $85 to replace the one that is hurting. Does anyone know what I should do? The easy option is to have it removed and I have really thought about it and I will do it if I have to, but I'd rather try to save it.

    1. Apply a band aid with pressure to get it to sink back down. This may hurt a lil. I always sleep with band aid on so i dont rip it out from getting it cought.

    2. Apply a band aid with pressure to get it to sink back down. This may hurt a lil. I always sleep with band aid on so i dont rip it out from getting it cought.

  32. Hi there. I just got dermals under my collar bone yesterday. The left one looks good so far. No irritation really, but the other one, it bled way worse, it got all crusty, and I woke up and now its kind of bruised.... And way more irritated than the left one. I reallllllllly don't want it to reject... How do I know if that's happening? And do you suggest I do anything different than the typical cleaning routine? Thanks (:

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If u can see the little bar under it ur rejecting it. Clean it dry it n apply a band aid.especially when ur sleeping. I was told to do this the first yr it can take ur body to accept it. So after u clean it n dry it apply a band aid n push it down. It will hurt a lil. But u shouldnt beable to see under it. Thats what i was told to keep it flesh to the skin. Dont leave the band aids on all the time cause it needs air.but ya apply band aid in down ward pressure. N sleep away lol

  33. Hello, someone can give me information about piercings back. How bad do I just want to, but I did not factual information. It is difficult to maintain?

  34. Hello, someone can give me information about piercings back. How bad do I just want to, but I did not factual information. It is difficult to maintain?

    1. What would u like to know? Well one thing u may want to consider is u cant take it out unless u remove the whole thing. U can change the tops and that if u need a mamogram they have to be removed or will rip out. Most of them are titanium. And as long as u take care of it and know what the infection could look like and rejection rate is less then surface percings. They r quite cool looking. But they do hurt for a few days after. I recoment the needle method over the punch method. Witch is a thing that has a lil circle on it n can cut threw bone. And is not legal to use. Pluse needle method helps create a better pocket.and that u should hear it pop after it is in. If i was u id look around for a piercer that has done them alot. But u just have to keep it clean(anit bactrial soap water mix..h20 spray or sea salt n water mix..dry...apply band aids when u sleep...dont emerge in water or sea salt soak it unless it pussing gray!). I wash mine 3 times a day still. Ive had 2 of them sence nov n still have them both. But one keeps on trying to reject. Witch is a pain kind of. But i just sink it back down by applying a band aid with pressing down. And that seems to get it to aink back down. I apply band aid when i sleep too caise they r on my chest. That way they wont snag n rip out. Hope that helps kinda lol

    2. Punches aren’t legal? Then why does every single shop do it that way?

  35. I have 4 dermals along the upper back of my spine... Extremely painful to most people but I kinda liked it but it was pretty bad.. Piercer said its one of the best spots to have pierced bc you cannot pull on it or bother with it too much.. I've had two more done since then, on my lower back dimples... I went for the bigger sizes this time... That spot is irritated so much more and catches on my pants, belts all the time. The bigger gem was a bad idea as well bc it catches easier... Collar bone is a bad spot to get it bc of ppl having the tendency to play with it, scratch it, or have it caught on things... Collar bone looks pretty and it's easily noticeable but take it from me, down along the spine is amazing and heals so fast.. Also the more you clean it the less you give it a chance to heal spray once at most twice a day of the h2ocean spray or with clear anti bacterial soap

  36. I got my eye microdermal done 4 days ago. It has a little swelling and it's a little red, no puss, a little reddish lymph, but all in all, it looks good. Just wondering if the little bit of swelling and redness will go away? I take very good care of it, and it's not sore or anything. Just making sure the swelling and slight redness will go away.

    1. Yeah thats normal cause ur skin is shocked. I think u have figured this out by now tho lol :)

    2. Yeah thats normal cause ur skin is shocked. I think u have figured this out by now tho lol :)

  37. I got a dermal by my eye and I've had it for about two years now. I always wear a bandaid on it when I sleep so I don't get it caught on anything. A couple days ago I woke up and the bandaid was soaked with blood and blood on my face. It never bleeds. Why did it get so mad all of a sudden, and what can I do to fix it?

  38. Well it sounds like u ripped on it when u was sleeping so id call a shop and explain what happend..u may have to start the heaking prosess all over again... (clean it/care for it.. and watch for infection) best option tho is to call a shop and get advise from a professinal.

  39. Well it sounds like u ripped on it when u was sleeping so id call a shop and explain what happend..u may have to start the heaking prosess all over again... (clean it/care for it.. and watch for infection) best option tho is to call a shop and get advise from a professinal.

  40. So I got a dermal below my collarbone like 1 year ago and I've never had a problem with it but now the piece that goes under the skin and the one in the surface have dismembered and the one under the skin is all the way in my collarbone D: ¡¿What should I do?! T-T

  41. I got my first dermal exactly a month ago. It was healing perfectly and everything was totally nice with it. Though I did observe that my dermals left side touches my skin completely, while the dermals right side not sits on my skin. The dermal it's in my tummy, and I'm skinny too, so I thought maybe this is why the dermal looked like that. But today I observed that now it stands more far from my skin than before and I started to worry if it's migrating or its going to be rejected.... It not hurts, it's not red, its not swollen,it's not grey. Nothing's wrong with it, just the only thing is that the right side not sits on my skin like the left side of the dermal :( did anyone experienced something like this ? I don't want to lose my dermal because I really love it :(

  42. I know I'm probably not supposed to do this, but I've had my dermal hip piercings in for two and a half years. From what I've heard, it's difficult to keep them in for more than a year because its a very high motion area that is at risk of being irritated a lot. I'm pretty sure my piercings have tried to reject at least 5 times, but every time they get red, have puss, or seem to be coming further out of my skin, I start cleaning them with solution (either salt water or an antibacterial spray for piercings and tattoos) and painfully push them deeper into my skin. They immediately afterwards I put a bandaid tightly on top of each one and do this every day. It usually heals within a couple of weeks like this. I know not all people want to hurt themselves like that, but I think it's worth it because I really love them.

    1. I see ! Well I think I will do the same as you if mine starts to come out or anything because I really like it and it looks good... I don't want to lose it at all because I love it and I waited a lot to get it done so no way I want to lose it.

  43. I've had my collar bones for 3 years now. I had a third on my cleavage and it rejected after a year... My collar bones still get infected about once a month it's really irritating.

  44. Hi. I just got one done on my breastbone yesterday. Seems to be OK as of now. The ball fell off already but was able to put it back on. That was a little scary. It's not red or anything. Just still a little painful. But I swear, this is my first and everything I'm reading on these type of piercings are sooo scary. Hopefully mine will last, being where its at..

  45. Hello I had my microdermal piercing done on the back of my neck 4 days ago actually 3 of them only one looks at the level of my skin and the other two look about I mean I can see the stems and I don't like the way it looks do you think is ok or they are done incorrectly and I have to go back to fix them?

  46. Hi! I have 1 dermal piercing under my right eye, my nose done, spider bites (twice on the right side of my lip), and my monroe done. But my dermal piercing is and always will be my favorite! My husband and myself are going on a 5 night cruise in 2 weeks but shortly after we get back I'll be making a trip to get my 2nd dermal right next to my 1st. My healing time was normal I guess. I wore a bandaid in it for the first 2 weeks or so 24/7 only taking it off to clean it then it went right back on. And at the time I worked I a factory so I kept a bandaid on it for another 6 weeks while I worked. Mine started to come up a little bit about 2 months ago so I called my piercer and was told to put a bandaid on it for at least a week and that should be enough time to have the tissue to reattach itself to the anchor. Which it worked and it looks just as good as the first day I got it done!! I can't wait to get my 2nd one done!!

    1. Instead of using bandaids u should try this protective cover I used on my dermal. I have a dermal in the same spot, under my eye and I kept it covered with Nexcare Tegaderm. You can find it at Walmart, I posted about it in this feed if you want to know more about it. I highly recommend it for your next dermal, good luck!!

  47. I got a dermal piercing on the nape of my neck. it was a spur of the moment thing. But now i realized that its taking forever to heal. I also like to be very rough with my boyfriend around my neck area ... lol if you get my drift. Im wondering if ill be able to return to that type of fun with the dermal in the back of my neck, it is my first dermal so i don't know much.

  48. I have a dermal under my eye and for the first month I used the most amazing product called Nexcare Tegaderm, it’s a waterproof transparent dressing. It’s for surgical incisions and such, why it’s so great for new dermal piercings is it seals out water, dirt and germs to prevent infection. It doesn’t pull on skin like most adhesives and it allows moisture to escape and oxygen to enter for breathability plus it stays on up to 7 days. I would cut a small circle out and put it on after spraying H2O salt water and and my dermal never got infected nor had this “crust” I hear so much about. I got my Nexcare Tegaderm at a local Walmart so good luck people and never use bandaids✌🏼

  49. I got 2 chest dermals today. The skin around the upper one immediately swelled. Hours later and there’s only a hole there, no redness. The lower one appears fine. How long do I wait before contacting the piercer?

  50. I just got 2 dermals by my eye 2 days ago haven't had any problems really other than a lil bleeding with the 2nd question is if they do start to reject eventually like I hear happens often do they come all the way out or part way an u get it removed?

  51. I just got my eye dermal done yesterday, besides it looks like i got a black eye a bit, its fine, but how exactly will ik when it is rejecting ? ( i hope not but)
